Sobotta Atlas Of Anatomy, 4 Volume Set 17th Ed.
The volume Inner Organs contains the chapters:
Organs of the thoracic cavity
Topography - Heart - Lung - Oesophagus - Cross-sectional images
Organs of the abdominal cavity
Development - Topography - Stomach - Intestines - Liver and gallbladder Pancreas - Neurovascular pathways - Cross-sectional images
Retroperitoneal space and pelvic cavity
Topography - Kidney and adrenal gland - Efferent urinary tracts - Rectum and anal canal - Male genitalia - Female genitalia - Cross-sectional images
The volume Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy contains the chapters:
Overview - Skeleton and joints - Adipose tissue and scalp - Musculture ?? Topography - Neurovascular pathways - Nose - Mouth and oral cavity - Salivary glands
Development - Skeleton - Eyelids - Lacrimal gland and lacrimal apparatus - Muscles of the eye - Topography - Eyeball - Visual pathway
Overview - Outer ear - Middle ear - Auditory tube - Inner ear - Hearing and equilibrium
Overview - Musculature - Pharynx - Larynx - Thyroid gland - Topography
Brain and spinal cord
Development - General principles - Brain ?? Meninges and blood supply - Cerebral areas - Cranial nerves - Spinal cord - Sections
Sobotta – learning tables for muscles, joints and nerves
The most important facts about muscles, joints and nerves are summarised in 62 tables, helping you to revise
methodically and efficiently!
The origin, insertion, innervation and function of all muscles in the human body are presented in tabular form.
The relevant muscle is shown in situ each time.
The tables for branches and innervation areas of the Plexus cervicalis, brachialis and lumbosacralis give
a good overview for a clinical diagnosis.
The most important joints of the upper and lower limbs are shown in tables and additionally in schematic
The tables for neuroanatomy give the cranial nerves, cortical areas and nuclei of the thalamus.
Tables for the cranial nerves identify and compare the pathways, supply areas and fibre qualities.
Compatible to the 17th edition of the Sobotta Atlas!